Pingdom Website Speed Test
Feature Overview
Examine all parts of a web page – View file sizes, load times, and other details about every single element of a web page (HTML, JavaScript and CSS files, images, etc.). You can sort and filter this list in different ways to identify performance bottlenecks.
- Performance overview – We automatically put together plenty of performance-related statistics for you based on the test result
- Performance grade and tips – See how your website conforms to performance best practices from Google Page Speed (similar to Yahoo’s Yslow). You can get some great tips on how to speed up your website this way.
Trace your performance history – We save each test for you so you can review it later and also see how things change over time (with pretty charts!). - Trace your performance history – We save each test for you so you can review it later and also see how things change over time (with pretty charts!).
- Test from multiple locations – See how fast a website loads in Europe, the United States, etc.
- Share your results – We’ve made it easy for you to perform a test and share it with your friends, work colleagues or web host.
How It Works
All tests are done with real web browsers, so the results match the end-user experience exactly. We use a bunch of instances of Google’s Chrome web browser to load websites, record performance data, and so on. Tests are done from dedicated Pingdom servers.